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The 15 Minute Miracle
Teaching our students how to create their own Miracles on purpose

Teaching our Students how to intentionally create their own Miracles
Learn how to manifest anything you desire into your life using tools you already possess
Have you ever had one of those extraordinary days that made you wish it would never end? You know, one of those days when everything just miraculously fell into place no matter what you did or how you did it? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if only there was a way to experience days like these more often? Just imagine how glorious that would be!
What usually happens, however, is that we go through life thinking there is little we can do to change things because…well…some days are just better than others. Right? WRONG! You’ll be glad to know that with God’s help, YOU can call these miraculous days into being just as often as you choose. I believe this with all of my heart because thousands of my clients and I have been doing it on a regular basis for the past 25 years…regardless of prevailing circumstances.
The 15-Minute Miracle™ books were written to make it easy for you to learn proven-to-work ways to consistently invite these extraordinary days into your life…one right after the other. In fact, you will be able to do these and even greater things by merely applying a few simple principles. When you understand how your thoughts, beliefs and feelings affect what and whom you attract into your life, it won’t be long before you become an irresistible magnet for miracles on a consistent basis.
Yes, we know…this all sounds too good to be true, so please don’t take our word for it. Just follow the simple instructions in The 15-Minute Miracle™ books and see what happens. Don’t be too surprised, however, when people begin to comment on the positive changes they see in you.

My name is Jacquelyn Aldana, and like most people, I’ve had my share of challenges, heartaches and failures. It was because of these challenging times, however, that I was highly motivated to seek relief. It was because my husband nearly died from Stage IV cancer in 1991. It was because our storybook marriage almost ended in divorce. It was because we were teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.
I was inspired to surrender these burdens to God and pray for help. I had little formal knowledge of God or prayer at that time. I was taken aback when a list of instructions flashed on the monitor of my mind as though I were receiving a detailed email. Desperate to remember them, I quickly scribbled them down on a piece of paper. With childlike faith, coupled with a sense of positive anticipation, I followed each instruction to the letter.
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