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Miracle University
Welcome to the Miracle University! We were going to call it “The 15 Minute Miracle University”, however, this is going to take a little longer then 15 minutes to learn the who, what, where, when, why ,and how.
For many years, Jacquelyn Aldana has committed her self to teach the 15 Minute Miracle process through books, seminars, and playshops, some of them condensed down to as little an hour and a half, and others a whole day, and sometimes an entire weekend. They all have the same message. The difference is in presentation, participation and education. Often an hour and a half seminar would lead to the next step, a day dedicated to learning and understanding the 15 Minute Miracle process.
The process itself is very simple. The results can dramatically life changing. It’s extremely important to understand this power because it can work for you in a positive way, or equally against you in a negative way. This is what we teach. We teach you how to make the process work for you in a positive way and avoid potentially negative outcomes.
In the past the seminars and playshops would cost hundreds ,and thousands respectively, Seminars were across the country requiring airfare, venues, hotel, car rental, insurance, security, facilities etc… ,all with a cost attached and therefore commanded a prepaid price of admission in the hundreds of dollar range depending on attendance. The same applied to the playshops, some across the country, and some where the guests fly in in at the cost in the thousands of dollars expense range at the end of the day or weekend when all is said and done. It’s not for nothing. Although there was great expense to put these events together, there is a powerful thing that takes place when it is experienced and taught in numbers. The energy is amplified exponentially. Energy plays a part in the process.
As Jacquelyn became older, the 15 Minute Miracle playshops and seminars became a little too much work for her to present in way that properly represented the brand and provided the attention that the students deserved. I continued to manage the website and sell and ship the books. Jacquelyn, my mother, passed away in April of 2023. I decided rather than let the legacy die along with her, let’s rebuild it. Let’s spread it across the world, Let’s make it affordable. Let’s make this available in the comfort of your own home or office, school, anywhere with or without constant internet connection, Through your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone, MP3 player, Smart TV along with the books and study material. That is what I have been working on. We moved the old website to where I can control it and can add features and functions and allow me adapt to whatever comes next.
Miracle University is what comes next. some courses will be geared towards those that want to learn the basics quickly(Crash Course). We will also have courses for those that want to learn the step by step details of the 15 Minute Miracle process. We may further break down some of the courses into small parts that focus on the ah so important individual steps. Some will be inspired to become an instructor Eventually, there may also be courses geared to teaching the process and certifications to validate your credentials. The future is to yet be determined.
I, Tracy Butkovich, son of the author, Jacquelyn Aldana, have been to, and participated in the playshops. I also have many hours of recorded audio of playshops over the years. Unfortunately, the audio quality is poor on many of these cassette tapes. Fortunately, I have found most it to be able to be transcribed to text verbatim. This give me everything I need to recreate playshops and seminars in a digital world so welcome to Miracle University.
For any of the courses, I require you to register as a student. Once you register, you will be sent a confirmation link via email, Please click to confirm email. You should get another email with a link to log on to your dashboard where you can fill out information regarding your profile and password. From there you can select courses, Add them to your cart, go through the checkout. You well be sent another email to let you know you have been enrolled in a new course. All should be accessible now through your dashboard. Selecting coursed prior to student registration may prompt you to register first.
This is all new so, if you have issues with the website, please alert me as to what those issues are via the contact us page so I can address them.
Thank you
Headmaster, Trace
15 Minute Miracle
The "Secret of Life" is contained within the books
Copyright 2025, Inner Wisdom Publications, All rights reserved
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